Creates a panel of residual diagnostic plots given inputs of residuals and fitted values.

  plots = "default",
  bins = 30,
  smoother = FALSE,
  qqline = TRUE,
  qqbands = FALSE,
  scale = 1,
  theme = "bw",
  axis.text.size = 10,
  title.text.size = 12,
  title.opt = TRUE,
  nrow = NULL



The residuals from the model.


The fitted values from the model.


Plots chosen to include in the panel of plots. The default panel includes a residual plot, a normal quantile plot, an index plot, and a histogram of the residuals. (See details for the options available.)


Number of bins for histogram of the residuals. Default is set to 30.


Indicates whether or not to include a smoother on the residual plot and/or index plot. Specify TRUE or FALSE. Default is set to FALSE.


Indicates whether to include a 1-1 line on the qq-plot. Specify TRUE or FALSE. Default is set to TRUE.


Indicates whether to include confidence bands on the qq-plot. Specify TRUE or FALSE. Default is set to FALSE.


Scales the size of the graphs in a panel. Takes values in (0,1].


ggplot2 theme to be used. Options are "bw", "classic", and "grey" (or "gray"). Default is "bw".


Specifies the size of the text for the axis labels of all plots.


Specifies the size of the text for the titles of all plots.


Indicates whether or not to include a title on the plots. Specify TRUE or FALSE. Default is set to TRUE.


Sets the number of rows in the panel.


A panel of residual diagnostic plots containing plots specified.


The following grid options can be chosen for the plots argument.

  • "all": This creates a panel of all plot types included in the package that are available for resid_auxpanel. (See plot descriptions under individual options.)

  • "default": This creates a panel with a residual plot, a normal quantile plot of the residuals, an index plot of the residuals, and a histogram of the residuals.

  • "SAS": This creates a panel of a residual plot, a normal quantile plot of the residuals, a histogram of the residuals, and a boxplot of the residuals. This was modeled after the residpanel option in proc mixed from SAS version 9.4.

  • A vector of individual plots can also be specified. For example, one can specify plots = c("boxplot", "hist") or plots = "qq". The individual plot options are as follows.

    • "boxplot": A boxplot of residuals

    • "hist": A histogram of residuals

    • "index": A plot of residuals versus observation number

    • "qq": A normal quantile plot of residuals

    • "resid": A plot of residuals versus predicted values

Details on the creation of the plots can be found in the details section of the help file for resid_panel.


# Fit a regression tree to the penguins data
penguin_tree <- rpart::rpart(heartrate ~ depth + duration, data = penguins)

# Obtain the predictions from the model on the observed data
penguin_tree_pred <- predict(penguin_tree)

# Obtain the residuals from the model
penguin_tree_resid <- penguins$heartrate - penguin_tree_pred

# Create a panel with the residual and index plot
resid_auxpanel(residuals = penguin_tree_resid,
             predicted = penguin_tree_pred,
             plots = c("resid", "index", "yvp"))